Paranormal Activity Symbol

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Aug 14, 2014 Recognizing the signs of paranormal activity is the most important step in resolving issues caused by unknown entities. Every case is different and your experience is likely to differ from that of your neighbor or friend. There are some common activit. The Occult Blogger is a website dedicated to Occult, Paranormal, Spiritual, Ghosts, UFO, Mysteries, Magic, Sacred Places, Meditation & related topics.

Signs of Demonic Activity

Foul, rotten odors without a source, e.g. human waste,rotten flesh or sulfur.These odors havea sickening effect.
Knocking and/or banging on or in walls without a discernablesource.More often than not, theknocking or banging will be heard in a series of three, mocking the Trinity.
Seeing black shadowy figures during demonic activity.
Overwhelming oppressive feeling and within infested rooms,many claim to experience acute nausea.
Unusual behavior or reactions of animals/pets.Animals are fully aware of a demonicpresence. They can be alarmed, frightened or extremely aggressive as to protectfamily and often become extremely ill.
Overwhelming sense of dread - one intuitively knows thatsomething is not right.
Growling sounds without a discernable source.
Religious objects desecrated or destroyed.
Objects and furniture move without cause and are sometimesthrown at those around at that time.
Paranormal activity during prayer.
Change in a family member's personality or behavior.Demonic entities normally target the weakestfamily member.
Havoc with finances, electrical or plumbing or structuralintegrity of property.Usually one's financesare strained or on the road to ruin before other problems surface.
Family members may have less than harmonious interactionswith one another.They turn on eachother.
Swarming insects.Indemonic cases, swarming flies are most common although it can be bats, bees,beetles, cockroaches, dragonflies, mosquito and moths.
The sound of footsteps on floors or stairs.
Disturbances in electronic equipment such as digital clocksgoing backwards, appliances or lights turning on and off.
Temperature differences in localized area.Extremely cold temperatures in certain roomsor areas regardless of outside temperatures.
Fluids appearing on walls or floors.
Black human figures that stand or move about.
Black clouds that look like smoke, moving about withoutdissipating.
Physical attacks, i.e. scratching, hitting, pushing, biting,punching or being thrown.*
Psychological attacks are possible. The victim begins tothink that they are crazy.One begins tohear and see things, they begin to hear the demonic actually speak to them andthey begin to think things that they would normally never think.*
Spiritual attacks are possible.
Sexual assaults can happen.*
Levitation of objects or the moving of objects.
Sleep disturbances.
*The majority of listed activity falls within the firststage of a demonic haunting – infestation.Demonic infestation is the stage in which demonic entities takeownership of one's home or property. Pleaseunderstand that when you are dealing with physical, psychological and sexualattacks, the haunting can immediately progress into the second stage –oppression.This stage is the second stageto possession and is quite dangerous.Itis here that the demonic attempt to destroy your will, faith and intellect.
Note:CPR recommends thatanyone experiencing demonic activity within their home to contact clergy.

Paranormal Activity 2007 Full Movie



A small, one-man operation. There's a house, a few

outbuildings, corrals and a barn.


Angle on JIM CROWLEY, a hard-working dairy farmer, 50's,

dressed in coveralls. He's opening a gate. DAIRYCOWS come

plodding through and head straighttowards the milking barn.

They know the routine.


Morning, Girls. Let's move along

now, sun's been up for an hour.

Jim moves off and doesn't see the last cow. Her name is

DELILA and she looks like all the rest, except she's walking

Paranormal Activity 2007 123 Movies

Paranormal Activity Symbol



Jim making his rounds, moving past the cows in their stalls,

a quaintwooden sign over each: SWEET SUE, OL' BESS, MAGGIE

MAY, etc. The cows are facing away from us, udders attached Casino grand bay mobile.

by clearplastichoses to a complicatedmilking apparatus. We

can hear the automatedpumpsshushing rhythmically, see the

milk coursingthrough the hoses.

Jim reaches Delila. She's completely still, her milk

stuttering through the hose.


You okay, Delila?

Suddenly, Delilaturns her head, looks at him, a malevolent

glint in her eyes. She GROWLS.


Jim's wife, ELLEN, hangingclothes on a clothesline. She

hears Jim yelling, then sees him stumbling out of the barn,

scared cows running past him.


Oh my heavens!


Jim and Ellen have the door open a bit and they're peeking

in. We hear Delila's rabidBELLOWINGintermixed with

CRASHING and CLANGING. Apparently, she's wrecking the place.



Well it's not anthrax or hoof and

mouth. I've never seen anything

like this in 35 years of dairy


Ellen wants to say something, is too afraid.




This is not natural, Jim.


Not natural? What's that supposed

to mean?


Look at her eyes.

Angle on Delila, panting, glaring at them, eyes like molten

orbs, a burgeoning, unnatural fury inside her.


I've only seen that look one other

time. Remember my cousin, Thalia?


Paranormal Activity Cult Symbol

Aww Ellen --


Thalia was possessed, Jim. A demon

took hold of that poor woman's body

and drove her right out of her



Cow's don't get possessed, Ellen.

They're cows.

They hear a BELLOW that's more like a scream. Delila is

galloping right at them, her face distorted into a snarl,

ears back, teethbared like a dog. In a panic, they slam the

Paranormal Phenomena

door shut as Delila rams into it, splintering the wood. Jim

looks at Ellen, realizes she may be right.


My God..





JOSH KEELING at the wheel, drinking a chocolate milk with a

straw. He's mid-30's, casually dressed, attractive, a regular

guy. Music begins, the TalkingHeads sing the arrestingly

weird, 'Once In A Lifetime' over..


Josh drivesthrough a typicalLA suburb, intercut with scenes

of ordinarypeopledoingordinary things; walkingtheir dogs,

playing tennis, havingcoffee at Starbucks, talking on their

cells. The scenes are so ordinary they're almost surreal.

JOSH (V.O.) Casino hotels in upper michigan.

Somebody once said, the only normal

people are the ones you don't know

very well, and how many people do

you know that well? I mean really.

Your family, your friends, the

people you see everyday? Oh sure,

they look normal, but believe me

when I tell you, normal can

disguise the weirdeststuff you can


The montage ends.


A small, nondescriptcommercial building, 'Paranormal

Consultants Inc' stencileddiscreetly on the door.

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